twin birthday party time
It’s hard to believe but a year has passed by again. Our lovely little twins turned 4 today and we had a little party at home, just for the family. We’ll probably do a small party in the summer, but as we are moving houses again in a couple of weeks we skipped the traditional class party with tons of little kids this year and they took two cakes to school to share with friends instead yesterday.
I am happy that they only asked for one little present each, and were surprised by a few more presents, best of which seemed to have been a bubble wand – they spent couple of hours outside blowing and chasing giant bubbles, and then playing with the balloons inside. Like I often say: “Little things bring a lot of joy”.
True to my style there is often something old, something new… I often go to charity shops for two reasons: to support their good cause and to find bargains (this year I got nice puzzles for pennies. Many items are not usable very long, and once kids have grown up they can be donated back to the charity shops again to give joy to other kids too).