time for midwinter treats a la tang yuan

One wouldn’t think that the midwinter, or the winter solstice already passed based on the weather here in California (as it is quite sunny and days are pretty long anyway, vs. in Finland where you can be in absolute darkness for up to 3 months). As usual, I am eager to learn about new cultural experiences, and here is a Chinese one related to the winter solstice.

Miss. A has just created in her Chinese cultural club some Tang Yuan – a sweet little Chinese dish enjoyed with the family at the time of winter solstice, called Dong Zhi. I learned that the Chinese way to celebrate it is with these little glutinous rice balls, which are often served in rice broth. They look very cute and Hello Kitty like and are pretty fast (20 minutes or so) and easy to make – or so the friends say, I’ll be trying make them with the kids over the weekend…

Tang Yuan

Recipe link 1 and Recipe link 2


Tang Yuan


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