sweet endings and new beginnings
Hello September! For me September 1st has always been the start of autumn, no matter what the weather. As the school starts here in the UK at the beginning of the month, this time of the year is the end of many sweet things, and the beginning for others. Bittersweet, yet full of anticipation and new promises.
This week we’ve seen our lovely summer au pair Marta go back home to Spain and needless to say that tears were shed. She was like a member of our family and travelled with us from Finland to California, did endless puzzles with the kids, read good night stories, played a gazillion hours of tennis with us and helped little ones with their violin pieces (I am glad we were able to introduce this sometimes very screechy instrument to you and good luck in learning to play it yourself!). You are in our hearts and we hope to see you again when we come over to Spain next time!
The children were off to school again yesterday too, more or less happy – and buy was it hard to wake them up today after the first day and reading homework completed the night before. I can’t believe that my little twins are in year 1 already and miss A. is soon off to secondary education. Where did all those years disappear?
On another note I’ve started a total makeover of our garden, which it’s so in need of with weeds and nettles reaching waste height. I’ve just picked from our little vegetable patch a bunch of tomatoes and dug out our potatoes and have been turning soil a couple of days in the hope of getting all the roots out. Aching muscles and all that aside I am hoping that in the end I’ll have a lovely playground for the kids, new raised vegetable beds and nice muscles in my arms!! One can always wish…
Besides being on blog holiday the past few weeks I’ve working on my new venture for I am opening the first ever Geox shoe and clothing store in the centre of Helsinki in Finland. Keeping my fingers crossed here that we’ll be ready for the grand opening in November, but it’s major excitement for my right now!

Lastly, before heading out to the garden again as we are blessed with sunshine, I wanted to say well done for my friend Satu from Destination Unknown – she’s been doing her supermom adventure and biking along the 2500 km of Ireland’s coast known in her Ride Wild 2014. her adventure is about to finish tomorrow after over a month of biking and meeting people along the way and her stories are inspiring and photos just breathtaking. Well done Satu!
Our September is full of changes, sad departures and happy new beginnings (latest one being our new French au pair, who is arriving this weekend and on Monday we are celebrating the Chinese Moon Festival once again with some delicious read been paste filled Moon Cakes). I would love to hear what excitement September is bringing to you?