proud mom of little toilet trainers & the topper that helps us on that journey at bedtime

With twins it was expected to have the girl start her toilet training before the older (my 1 minute but still…) brother. Miss C. sort of started it herself by having dry nappies (aka diapers) at the nursery, so we just decided to take them off. And it’s been smooth riding ever since with just a few little accidents. The brother has been asking to go potty at all hours too (especially 5am! when we are not that keep) – I think it is great, but despite trying hard I think most of the times he’s request comes a few minutes late…

Anyway, the process of toilet training is there, as they both can go to bathroom solo, know how to use the paper, flush, wash hands with soap, dry them, and in miss C’s case apply some nice smelling hand lotion once or twice on every trip too. We haven’t been giving the kids any pressure on this, but since the young lady seemed ready we have moved onto the next stage – naps and nights without nappies – and this certainly is much harder. The outcome highly depends on how much she has to drink later in the evening, but she is happy and proud of her progress.

To avoid the huge amount of laundry that comes with accidents I decided to use the moisture-absorbing topper on top of the sheets and it’s been a great success. We first got to test Innobaby’s Sleeping Smart organic crib sheet topper and have absolutely loved it. (If you have seen my previous posts it is quite obvious that we love in this household Innobaby’s products, such as the Din-Din steel platter and the Packin Smart containers). I wish we had these when the twins were small as they would have been perfect for little cribs, but at least we got them now. You can tie the sheed form each corner so it stays well in place in a bigger toddler bed and it’s perfect for travelling (wish I had these on our mountain trip when we got wet sheets in the hotel!). I love the fact that on top of being so absorbent and waterproof, these sheets are also organic and soft. A big winner compared to our other toppers! So once again Innobaby has come out with a lovely product that I would definitely recommend.

Innobaby sheet topper

Innobaby topper

Disclaimer: I have received a free sample, but I have not been otherwise paid for writing this post, and all opinions are my own.

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