project playroom – tags

I have been feeling a bit like Martha Stewart today while finally crafting the first version of the toy box tags for the playroom. I say first version as I suspect that the terrible two might try to do what their do really well- tear down to bits every one of them. If that is the case my next attempt will be painting wooden tags.

{NB, This is one of those posts where the images suffered during the transfer to new site. Hope you still enjoy it!}

Toy tags- starting point

Starting out with the materials

Toy tags

One down, fourteen to go

One row of tag

One row of tags

All tags done

All tags done

Finished toy storage

Finished toy storage

Close shot of finished storage

This is the finished storage. Next step whiteboard. I realised that my 4x6ft (1.2×1.8m) board is a tad bit too high and need to change it. Unfortunately the sizes aren’t that flexible, so i’ll need to settle with 4x3ft (1.2×0.9m)

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