may day inspiration from finland

Every day is always inspired by beautiful interiors, but today the special inspiration comes from the May-day celebration. This isn’t such a big event in the US, but in many countries it is a one of the big festivities of the year.

Traditionally in Finland all big festivities are celebrated on the eve (including Christmas), but we’ll be attending a May-day party today, on the 1st. Typically Finnish parties include some bubbly drinks, homemade donuts (without a hole) and other goodies – and of course festive decor such as lots of balloons. Even if there is a rain this normally is a big outdoor event – and weather permitting a lovely pic-nic in the park with friends and family.


Peculiar ways the university students celebrate Mayday…


mayday - sima drink

Some traditional Finnish Mayday treats!

mayday treatsMayday

images Katz

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