maths learning in action with beads, puzzles and more
Like so many parents before me, I’ve just come the conclusion that there is a great way for the little ones to learn about patterns – and maths in general – and that is through play! My girls started by crafting lots of little bracelets, a couple of necklaces and arm bands (or something like that) for their stuffed animals with different patterns – and they ended up with some lovely repeating and growing patterns – so a great lesson there for the young ones!
It’s almost time for the holidays here in the UK, the kids are tired, but the notes from the teachers keep coming in with few more digraphs to learn, 3D shapes to practice, numbers to 20, grouping, patterns – you name it! Tired kids and revision, not the ideal combination. So we started rummaging our playroom in order to locate all sorts different learning stuff from the older sister, and presents we’ve received (but not used to much yet). And we found lots!
Butterfly puzzle was perfect for counting (and when we realized that bits were missing the playroom got a bit of sorting too when we went “hunting” for more bits. I’ll definitely organize some more of these “treasure hunts” in the future to get a super-organized playroom with no more missing parts for every game and puzzle).
Now I can finally appreciate those doodle books too that have been buried at the bottom of the box – they grow attention to detail, finger agility and those pattern skills. Doodles will now go to my travel fun pack list as I’ve seen that the kids actually take their time to complete these!
And what about the good old maths cubes that double up as animal feed, sugar cubes and million other things during the play. groupings, patterns, sums – I love them. And all those boxes of Dominoes we’ve gotten from the Kempinski kids clubs and other places: we all love them now. Oh math games, where were you when I was young?
Now I’d love to have your tips on great ways to entertain kids and practice the school homework assignments simultaneously, the more the merrier! Meanwhile, we’ll be working on our next project: sending some books to a South African community library organized by a lovely blogger Se7en.