making a house into a home: adding wall art
You move into a new house, get your furniture in, some curtains maybe – and yet you might wonder why it still doesn’t look so cozy. That’s probably because the personal touches are missing and walls might be completely bare.
Currently in our house there is lot more missing than just the wall art: namely towel hooks, curtains, even furniture is some rooms yet. But one needs to start somewhere, and I have done exactly that: I starting adding wall art, little touches here and there. Something new, something old…The new ones I just couldn’t resist at this point were the London map inspired padded pin board and the fun little framed bubble quote on the wall.
The old ones that can be recognized from previous posts would be the kitchen clock and the green chair that just came out of the packing box. The other paintings (on wall or not yet) have been in the storage for years and finally making their comeback…And it immediately feels more like home!