linking to bhg fabulous wallpaper projects

linking to bhg fabulous wallpaper projects

When the days are getting shorter and the weather rainy, it is time to planning some nice DIY projects for those evenings that used to be occupied by gardening, lounging by the pool and enjoying the outdoors in general. Better Homes and Gardens have some fun DIY projects that won’t break the bank. The key ingredient is some old piece, or just any a bit-too-ordinary piece that needs sprucing up.

And the magical ingredient they used was a beautiful roll of colourful and patterned wallpaper. I love the way these projects look. But, as I am no Martha Steward I would love to know from experience if oyu, or someone you know has actually managed to create something similar, and if the outcome was as good as anticipated…

Anyway, even if you are like me and doubt your skills at the moment, this image gallery is still worth taking a look. The images are fabulous and the colours just made my smile. A great feel-good feature for sure!

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