ivy that took off 60% of the house value

What was the owner thinking here? This ivy-infested house has gone to market in the UK for £120K ($192K) when the values of the houses around it are at £350K ($560K). The reason is the ivy, which has been growing wild for twenty years – thus eating into the structure of the house…With all the publicity now buyers are competing to get this “bargain”  – a true full-scale renovation project for someone for sure!

According to the selling agent the electricity was not working and it is was pitch black since the ivy is blocking all the windows. Looks like in this project the new owner will need to start from the garden in order to be able to properly access the house. Tool of the trade? I bet chainsaw is needed here instead of the standard gardening tools.

ivy infestation dropped price from 350000 to 120000

ivy 2

images Daily Mail

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