goody bags for birthday party

MIss Anaïs had her birthday already, but I was very late booking for party venues, so the children’s party is not until the weekend. Anaïs has been busy working on her goody bags, and we have ordered some labels to make the writing of thank you notes a bit faster process. I hope I manage keep track better on who gives what than I did two years ago when she had her last party in England! Otherwise the notes will be a pain with “thank you for your lovely present” – part…

I also saw some lovely burlap bunting in Etsy, and since I got plenty of Burlap I will head to get some paint and try to make her the first ever bunting. We’ll see how it goes. That will probably be my crafting of the month unless Martha Steward comes up with something easy for my skill level.

The idea with the goody bags was to have something more useful and be a bit more “greener”, i.e. no paper or plastic bags. Since the age of the partygoers varies between 5 and 9, we did custom-tags using glitter cards, stickers and twine. The content includes books based on the guest’s age, silly bands, pencils, ply dough and some candy as I think a lot of parents are annoyed to have their house filled with silly plastic stuff.  And of course the little twins got their own little bags too.

Birthday goody bags

Starting the big process

Birthday goody bags

And more supplies…still missing some books and candy

Birthday goody bags

Sample contents of a goody bag

Working on goody bags

Miss A working hard on the goody bags

Toddler goody bags

Goody bags for the toddlers


And this is the kind of bunting I want to do with the Happy Birthday theme…

Image Etsy


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