four-cornered villa

This four-cornered villa is a modern take on the traditional holiday cottage in the sense that it has no running water or electricity (but I see light switches – maybe there is solar panels or a little oil generator then?). The heating is done using wood-burning fireplaces in each room and due to good insulation these fireplace manage to keep the cottage warm even in winter.

The house itself has a very open space -based design, and all the surfaces are left rather natural bar the white tint – this is also a very zen-like space and it does feel relaxing just to look at the pictures and the surrounding white snow.

Interesting ideas, although I might like to have running water for a warm bath after a brisk walk or a cross-country skiing session out in the snow…

Four-cornered villa

Four-cornered villa

images avanto

Four-cornered villa

Four-cornered villa

Four-cornered villa

Four-cornered villa

Four-cornered villa

Four-cornered villa

images Avanto Architects/Kuvio

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