decor so wild it must be anna sui

We love Elle Decor and Elle Decor loves designer Anna Sui. Her homes have been featured in the magazines at least twice in the past years, and they are just as eclectic and full of character as her runway designs are. Bold, patterned, colourful! I also notice that there is a love shared between us and her – the bold, large flower designs from Finnish Marimekko called Unikko. She has then in red and black, we have in red and blue (or had as the red Unikko Fatboy is currently on a “leave of absence” due to a tear and escaping fillings!).

So here we go – Anna Sui home from 2009. Here black and white (and somewhat gold too) play the key role and the bold wallpapers certainly take the main stage. I must admit that I have never seen peacocks used as accessories before, but it looks great. Obviously a household filled with kids would have rather bald bird and very feathery kids instead… The kitchen cabinetry certainly spells regal and that mosaic floor is just astonishing. I realise that this is no minimalist home, but still the walk-in closet seems a tad overflowing…

The older home feature is the epitome of colour. Gold, silver and amazing mosaics, although the emergence of black and white is already out there. Since I haven’t seen both original features I am assuming that these are two different homes, but it is also possible that this is one huge home with a split personality – one half more black and white and the other just filled with the colours of the rainbow. Either way, I love to look at these rooms and pick out details and inspiration for own home – not an easy job when there is so much to see!

Home of Anna Sui

Home of Anna Sui

Home of Anna Sui

Home of Anna Sui

Home of Anna Sui

Anna Sui home from 2003

Home of Anna Sui

Home of Anna Sui

Home of Anna Sui

Home of Anna Sui

Home of Anna Sui

images from Elle Decor via Moodboard/ Eric Bowman

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