capturing colours in china
When a challenge knocks on your door are you ready for it? I am definitely this week and happy to try this ‘capturing colours’ challenge presented by Satu from To Destination Unknown blog: to capture red, yellow, green, blue and white. I had hoped to go and explore, but it’s raining cats and dogs so I thought I’d look into the archives and see what I could come up with a theme – so I went for China and Beijing.
It wasn’t easy at all to find photos – China is a mix of colours and it’s hard to find single colour moments, other than red doors (and I didn’t have good shots of those on my laptop and I didn’t want to go to the server), so this is what I came up with:
And finally, now is my turn to invite five more people to join is, so I am handing the challenge over to the following five people whose I image I like:
- Leigh from Hines Sight Blog – hoping to see some more of that Southern charm (check also @hinessightblog on Instagram for fab images)
- Kea Marie from Deep Red Blues – loving her latest trip to California (@keamar on IG)
- Thilo from Thilo Boeck – amazing colouful photos of Peru and (@volunteering_nomad on IG)
- Katie from La Jolla Mom – still savouring especially those food photos from the latest Asian trip (@lajollamom on IG)
- Farrah from The Three Under – capturing expat family life in Netherlands and their frequent travels (@momofthreeunder on IG)
Interested in joining the challenge? Here’s how to do it:
Write a post with your five best photos from these color categories: RED, BLUE, GREEN, YELLOW and WHITE. Be sure to nominate five other bloggers and tweet it with the hashtag #CTC13.
There will be a winner from each color category who will get: an 128GB iPad, a Fuji camera or £750 worth of Arc’teryx clothing and equipment (you choose). Then from the five winners, an overall winner will be chosen to win: £3,000 travel fund (worth about $4633 USD). For the full contest rules go here. You can follow the entries from these Pinterest boards and the Facebook page.