blueberries + hay = childhood fun flashback from finland

When I was little the only way to collect blueberries when one unexpectedly came across them and really wanted to take them home was to use hay straws to store them like little pearls. Then one would enjoy them traditionally with some milk. Delicious memories…

This is exactly what my little kiddies learned to do with their grandma as they took a stroll in the forest and spotted the already ripened blueberries (if you ever visit Finland it is good to know that there is a so-called “every man’s right” to walk in the forest, to collect berries, mushrooms and so on – even if it’s privately owned land). Here are the cute little blueberry straws Anaïs, Hugo and Celeste made.

blueberries the traditional way

Blueberries in hay straws

MIlk with blueberries from

Blueberries and milk – the best thing ever!

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